Apr 132012

I made it here. After 2500 miles, slipping into Oregon from Idaho was pretty uneventful. In fact, a semi blocked the “Welcome to Oregon” sign, so I shot this instead.

I’m proud of myself for staying calmly seated at the first gas station in Oregon. Still weird. Going to take some time to get used to people pumping my gas, along with the whole “entire new life” thing, but at least the scenery made it tough to be concerned about anything.

Some fifty miles into Oregon, I remembered why I’m here. The hills and mountains started and just kept spreading out and becoming more amazing. Thanks to a fire alarm at the Sleep Inn in Boise, I hadn’t slept much the night before, and of course I’m a little jangled to begin with this trip, but the majesty of these was downright breathtaking. And it just kept on like that until I started up into the bigger mountains, and the trees started to appear.

After a long stretch of flat and dry land I picked up the river and followed it into the Hood River area, home of the Multnoham Falls shown at the top.

Now comes a long process of getting my bearings and figuring out how to live in Portland. Having brought a whole bunch of bikes and parts, but somehow no little, blinky tail light, I’m not off to a good start, but there’s enough coffee here to help me figure everything out.

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